Python packages used or driven by the GEMS community
This talk will not cover the “usual suspects”
NumPy, SciPy, matplotlib, cartopy, netcdf4, xarray (+flox), ...
implements a lean set of routines for working with HEALPix
requires only NumPy, and can be installed with pip:
python -m pip install healpix
provides a (small) set of convenience functions to work with model output
started as a “bin” for functions used on easy.gems
can be installed with pip
python -m pip install easygems
scan GRIB files and create zarr-compatible indices
provides the command-line tools gribscan-index
and gribscan-build
requires an ecCodes version that matches the output data
can be installed with pip (apart from ecCodes)
python -m pip install gribscan