Storing data

Florian Ziemen, Tobi Kölling, Lukas Kluft


Datasets are

(from xarray docs)

  • n-dimensional variables
  • shared dimensions
  • coordinates
  • attributes for metadata

Datasets are not

  • a single file
  • a storage format
  • shaped by storage & handling

Storage and access

Access to subsets

Without subset access and hierarchies, analysis scripts are forced to load way too much data.

Align the ordering of data with read patterns

Make a compromise that’s okay-ish for everybody by chunking along all dimensions.

Compress small chunks

  • Any access will require uncompressing entire chunks.
  • By keeping them small to reduce the amount of data that will be uncompressed but not used.
  • Keep them big enough for the compressor to do its job.
  • Usually MB-ish blocks are a good compromise.

Use fast compressors

  • deflate (gzip/…) is widely used but slow.
  • lz4 and zstd are much faster.
  • Use lz4 or zstd from blosc as a good standard.

Mapping a dataset to files

Contents of a dataset

  • Metadata
  • n-d variables consisting of many numbers

netCDF4 / HDF5

  • netCDF4, a.k.a. HDF5 stores metadata and chunks in one file.
  • Usually a dataset is split across many of these files.
  • Loading the dataset requires opening all files.1

Zarr is as simple as it gets.

  • .json files for the metadata
  • binary files for (compressed) chunks

As chunks are stored separately, this scales for any size of dataset. We are working with a 500 TB dataset in nextGEMS.

Kerchunk + fsspec

  • We can index a multi-file HDF5 dataset with kerchunk, and then create a pseudo-filesystem zarr with fsspec in python.
  • Allows to treat a set of netCDF4 files as one zarr dataset.
  • Direct access only via python.
  • A simple python web server can present it as zarr via https for other languages.


Performance benchmarks for chunking

Storage layout, chunk shapes Read time series (sec) Read spatial slice (sec) Performance bias (slowest / fastest)
Contiguous favoring time range 0.013 180 14000
Contiguous favoring spatial slice 200 0.012 17000
Default (all axes equal) chunks, 4673 x 12 x 16 1.4 34 24
36 KB chunks, 92 x 9 x 11 2.4 1.7 1.4
8 KB chunks, 46 x 6 x 8 1.4 1.1 1.2

source: unidata blog