Scientific Scope

Core Simulations

The common scientific agenda of the Digital Earths Global Hackathon (DEGH) will be simulations of an annual cycle using global atmospheric general circulation models with a horizontal discretization of 5 km or less. Every participating node will host one or more such simulations, which are performed and for which output is provided following a common protocool These are the DEGH core simulations.

Experimental Protocol

The protocol follows Takasuka et al., Prog. Earth and Planet. Sci. (2024) (preprint), and contains the following elements:

  • Atmosphere-only model with specified sea-ice and sea-surface tmeperature and ideally no convective parameterization.
  • Simulation grid: horizontal tiling of 5 km or less in linear dimension, vertical grid unspecified.
  • Atmospheric initializaiton interpolated from IFS on 2020-01-20.
  • Land initialization up to individual groups, but must be documented.
  • Analysis period: From 2020-03-01 to 2021-02-28.
  • Output grid: HEALPix zoom level 9 or higher (effective cell size of 13 km) at 6 hr interval (3D variables) and 1 hr interval for 2D fields.

Output Protocol

See the Data request under development for details.